LGBTQ Census

U.S. Census Bureau, LGBTQ Americans Are Americans, Too

In the wake of the LGBTQ rights movement, the U.S. Census Bureau was in talks of adding “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to a long-awaited report outlining new categories to the 2020 survey. Tuesday, March 28, 2016, the Bureau had admitted that it had “inadvertently” included “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” This is even though other federal agencies had urged the Bureau last year to add the categories. The president’s administration has sent a discouraging sign to LGBTQ Americans and its allies – that LGBTQ concerns are frivolous and unimportant.

With the victory of marriage equality coming from the Supreme Court Case – Obergefell v. Hodges, the census has the chance to change the way it tracks same-sex households. In the midst of the numerous murders of American transgender women, the Bureau has the chance to change the way transgender people are represented by the government.

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Todd Stratton (26)

I have so many different experiences in my life, there is no way that this section could cover it! I have been a judge, graphic designer, entrepreneur, computer repair, video production, and even a promoter of potential talent. My life has led me to places that many can not even fathom, let alone done it themselves! Get to know me and find out more, I am always an open book! I do have a physical disability and I am on the Autism Spectrum, I prove that a disability does not always hold you back in life! There is ALWAYS a silver lining! Thank you for taking the time to read this brief summary about me!