Why are Muslims allowed to pray in school, but not Christians?
In the US, public schools are strictly forbidden from promoting religion of one kind or another, even vaguely. This especially includes school officials doing official school business. So a sports coach at an event, who is representing the school, cannot be promoting religion, because it sends the signal that the school is promoting the religion, and that’s illegal. Outside official events, the coach can do what the coach likes.
Public schools can’t promote any religions!
Why is one allowed and not the other?!
In the US, public schools are strictly forbidden from promoting the religion of one kind or another, even vaguely. This especially includes school officials doing official school business. So a sports coach at an event, who is representing the school, cannot be promoting religion, because it sends the signal that the school is promoting the religion, and that’s illegal. Outside official events, the coach can do what the coach likes.
Public schools can’t promote any religions!
Muslim Prayer Rooms in Our Public Schools and Why We Better be Concerned:
In this new world of tolerance and acceptance for everything, some public schools around the country are now designating rooms for Muslim children to pray throughout the day. 5 times a day.
Sid Bowdidge wrote: “If you’re like me, you’re outraged! My first thought was, “Christians can’t worship God in schools any longer, or it seems, even mention God. But Muslims are given time and space to worship Allah?” Are you kidding me? It’s been over 50 years since the Supreme Court banned prayer in our public schools.”
* It’s worth mentioning that Christian children can pray in school, just not outwardly, but to themselves when they have free time.
What if?
Can you imagine if a group of Christian students demanded to walk out of classrooms at a designated time and have a room allotted to them to pray? Hell would freeze over before that would happen.
Being Forced!
A Christian high school junior was compelled by her teacher at La Plata High School in La Plata, Md., to recall the Islamic conversion creed – the Shahada – as part of a written assignment. She was required to write the Islamic creed, “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”
The World History course also taught that “Most Muslims’ faith is stronger than the average Christian’s.”
Caleigh Wood refused to complete the assignment, believing that is it is a sin to profess by word or in writing, that there is any other god except the Christian God.
School officials refused to let her opt-out of the course, and as a result, she received a lower percentage grade for the course.
“Under the guise of teaching history or social studies, public schools across America are promoting the religion of Islam in ways that would never be tolerated for Christianity or any other religion,” TMLC President and Chief Counsel Richard Thompson said in a statement. “I’m not aware of any school which has forced a Muslim student to write the Lord’s Prayer or John 3:16: ‘For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'”
Public schools can’t promote any religions!
Prayer in Minnesota Public Schools OK for Muslims – No One Else
Favoritism towards Muslims is occurring around the country bending over backward to be politically correct to Muslim students. The problem? What about Christian, Jewish, Atheist, and other kids? And how can these school districts handle the differences in backgrounds?
Personally, I have no problem with having students talk about their background. Expressing the problems and issues of other cultures is a good learning experience. But… there is a problem if they have female students wear hijabs or any other symbols of oppression to women. It’s also a serious problem if teachers begin Islamic indoctrination by having students only learn about Islam and not about all the other religions.
Why do Muslims get the perks, the special treatment, when other students are completely told they can’t do or say anything? The rights of all American students are totally trampled in this effort. If Muslims can pray at the school, why can’t Christian / Buddhist / Jewish / Other students pray at the school? What isn’t it inclusive for ALL students instead of just Muslims?
The Facts!
There are 3,200 mosques in the United States today. There is a very large percentage of the radical Muslim population whose goal is to convert or kill every Jew and Christian in existence, eventually.
At the moment we have no way to stop this, they use our own laws and Constitutional rights against us to accomplish their goal. That’s why we are the prime choice for the eventual takeover of our Western culture.
Todd Stratton (26)
I have so many different experiences in my life, there is no way that this section could cover it! I have been a judge, graphic designer, entrepreneur, computer repair, video production, and even a promoter of potential talent. My life has led me to places that many can not even fathom, let alone done it themselves! Get to know me and find out more, I am always an open book! I do have a physical disability and I am on the Autism Spectrum, I prove that a disability does not always hold you back in life! There is ALWAYS a silver lining! Thank you for taking the time to read this brief summary about me!