Back to a brief story of Me!
Back to a brief story of Me!
About the myPRIDE Movement...
About the myPRIDE Movement...
The meaning of the name Todd...
The meaning of the name Todd...
All of the websites I am working on...
All of the websites I am working on...


Gays, Lesbians, Bi-Sexual, and Transgender people are discriminated against in housing and employment and because how we act is more important than who we are and if we get harassed it’s our problem and if we get attacked we provoked it and if we raise our voices we’re flaunting ourselves and if we enjoy sex we’re perverts and if we have AIDS we deserve it and if we march with pride we’re recruiting children and if we want or have children we’re unfit parents and if we stand up for our rights we’re overstepping our boundaries and because we are forced constantly to question our own worth as human beings and if we don’t have a relationship with someone of the opposite sex we haven’t given it a chance and if we have a relationship with someone of the same sex it is not recognized and we are told our love is not “real” and if we come out of the closet we’re just going through a phase and because lesbian and gay history is virtually absent from literature and because homophobia is sanctioned by the supreme court and for lots of other reasons…

I am a part of the
LGBTQ+ Pride Movement!

* I originally wrote this about 20 years ago, I did edit it a little bit, but not by much! I hope that one day I can delete this statement because it will no longer be needed!

Please Help Support Families! Please Help Support Families!